Vendor Resources
We at CMI are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our Associations. In doing so, we have implemented a vendor management software. VIVE is a software that assists in certifying vendors, screening compliance and manage status of portfolios. Registration is required for all vendors to continue a working relationship with Community Management Innovations.

What you need for registration?
Corporate Information
Trade & License Information
Insurance Information
Complete a W-9 & Vendor Agreement
Annual Fee Payment
Efficient Management
VIVE allows for efficient management of all job tasks, contracts, proposals and qualifications. allowing for better networking and business relations with management companies.
As a vendor, you will have access to Savings4Members, available discounts and savings on fuel, office supplies, payroll and shipping at no additional costs. VIVE allows for increased exposure to other potential clients, reduced competition from unqualified vendors not approved VIVE and offers increased competitive bid opportunities.
VIVE offers top rated ease of use registration and integrates with many leading accounting software systems.
Vendor Benefits to Utilizing VIVE:
Equal Opportunity
Same requirements for all vendors
Reduced competition from unqualified vendors
Simple, Fast & Easy
Quick setup and registration
12 month approval